
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Distillation Experiment

Welcome to another blog post, Today in Chemicals *science we did an experiment on distillation.
Distillation is the scientific experiment used to show the process of condensation. 

In this experiment, we are using different types of coke, normal and zero. 

Separating a mixture using Distillation
Aim: To separate a solute from a solvent in a solution using distillation.
Hypothesis : I think that the Coca-Cola will stay the same, and Zero will change. 
Equipment: A solution of different types of cokes, conical flask, heatproof mat, a delivery tube and bung, Bunsen Burner, tripod, gauze mat, retort stand, boss head and clamp, boiling tube. 


  1. Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
  2. Add approximately 50mL of coke to your conical flask. 
  3. Start the element.
  4. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated. Turn off the element.  
First we set up the equipment we needed. Our group used the Coca-Cola Zero. 

First the Coke was still and it was just heating up, then it just started to form little bubbles, then it started to bubble up a lot, then it looked like clear water was being sucked by the delivering tube into the conical flask. 
Discussion: In the conical flask that had the coke in it, at the bottom there were some dried sugar left (it isn't a burn mark because if we heat it up it would form bubbles), When we heated the Coca-Cola, it evaporated and it got trapped which separated it, then we used ice to cool it down. I saw steam because it was heating. Our flask had less sugar left over compared to the other group that had the original Coca-Cola that had sugar in it.
But then there was a clear liquid that has been sucked by the delivering tube and I think that it the condensation from the Coca-Cola, I guess there's only one way to find that out, is to look on the ingredients on the Coca Cola bottle. 

Conclusion: This experiment was very interesting and shocking, because I've always thought that the Zero Coca-cola had no sugar in it because it say on the label of the bottle, then doing this experiment shows that there was actually a decent amount of sugar left at the bottom of the flask. 

Tsumani - Chemical & Chaos

Welcome to another blog post, part of our work in chemical and chaos is looking at chaotic events that have happened, one most famous chaotic event in all history is Tsunami. 
For the past few weeks our class have been watching a movie, the movie is about a family who decided to spend their Christmas in Thailand. But their luxurious holiday turns into a nightmare when a tsunami swells up unannounced, thereby separating the family. 
After we finished watch the film, we then were given a task to create a pictograph that shows how tall a 520 meters tsunami is compared to famous landmarks, below is my pictograph that I have completed. 

In our pictograph, we had to use FAULTS, F= frame, A=axis U=Units T=Title.
I had to draw out a 530 meters tsunami compared to the Empire State Building which is 450 meters, Sky tower - 328 meters, Eiffel Tower 324 meters and the Pyramid of Giza which is 139 meters.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Zombie Apocalypse Rules!

Welcome to another Blog post, part of our chemical and chaos Hurumanu we are learning about some serious chaotic events that have happened or could occur in the future, the other day in class we were looking at Zombie Apocalypse, here are the top 10 rules of what everyone should do during an Zombie Apocalypse. 

Northern War - Chaos

Welcome to another blog post, today I finished another independent task for Chaos. 
This task was about the Northern War. I had to research about the Northern War and create poster/s that shows my learning and understanding out the Northern War. 
The northern war is also known as one of New Zealand's chaotic events in history. 

VIA Results

Welcome to another blog-post, today in Wanaga everyone in our class took a VIA Survey. 
In the survey we answered some questions, what I realised was that the questions were repetitive but they were explained in a different way.  
This survey was meant for us to find out our strengths, and we then have to learn how to use them to handle stress and life challenges, become happier, and develop relationships with those who matter the most to us. 
My first strength was kindness, meaning doing favors and good deeds for others; helping them; taking care of them. 
I personally think that my top 5 strengths really do reflect me and my personality.
Love of learning really does reflect me, because I love to learn new things. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Influences & Fixes - Health - Backstabbing

This week in Health, we are still learning about Relationships. 
In relationships there could be real people and fake people, meaning that some of your friends could act all nice to your face and the opposite behind your back. That is called backstabbing. 
People often have to deal with backstabbers everywhere. If you want to know how to catch a backstabber, here's a clue. They want to gain something for themselves and gain power over you. You might have friends who smile at you but behind your back, they attack you. You also have to be very careful about who you hang out with because you don't know who are real and who are not. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Evaporation Experiment

Separating a mixture using Evaporation:
Today in Science *Chaos, we were doing an experiment on evaporation. 
Evaporation is when a substance gets heated up and it turns from a liquid to gas. 
In this experiment we used Copper Sulfate Solution and Hot water.

Aim:  To evaporate Copper Sulfate (Blue Liquid)
Hypothesis: It might turn into gas/steam or water
Equipment: Copper sulfate solution, 250mL Beaker, heat proof mat, evaporating basin, element. 
  1. Set up element
  2. Add 100mL of hot water to the beaker and place the element
  3. Add copper sulfate to the evaporating basin until it is quarter full.
  4. Carefully, place the evaporating basin on top of the beaker
  5. Turn on the element to 8
  6. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated and crystals of solute are forming.
  7. Turn off the element - careful not to touch as will be hot for a long time.
Observation:  First it started to heat up, then it looked like there was steam starting, the air looked like it was trapped.

Conclusion: It was a fail! We didn't have enough time to finish it off, but we now know how to do better next time. 
Discussion: Instead of turning it to element 8, we turned it down and slowly turned it up. 
Evaluation: It didn't turn out the way we expected to turn out, meaning it was supposed to be boiling therefore our beaker or experiment took a while and didn't boil and that was because there were two on one element, and we had to heat it slowly because it might break the glass.

Mini Pastry Savouries

This week in Home Economics we made Mini Pastry Savouries. 

These were very easy to make, I personally think that my group worked very well together, using good team skills to make delicious mini pastry Savouries. 

Puff pastry (Flaky Pastry) sheets

1/2 sheet pre rolled pastry

  • 1 egg
  • pinch salt
  • 1 Tablespoon milk
  • Cheese, Ham, Tomatoes.  
  1. Using pastry cutters, cut circles to fit patty pans. Chill in Fridge. 
  2. Mix: 1 egg, pinch salt, 1T Milk
  3. Whisk together with a fork.
  4. Transfer egg mixture to a measuring cup
  5. Place some thawed peas and corns in each pastry case. *We used Cheese, ham, and tomatoes. 
  6. Carefully pour egg mixture into each case. Don't spill any!!
  7. Bake at 200C for 8-10mintues.
  8. Cool and eat. 
Sensory evaluation:
The outer part of the pastry was light, fluffy and flaky which is what we were going for. The inside where the egg, cheese, and ham, they were cooked very well, and they tasted delicious. 
They looked crunchy, it had a nice golden look. 


In conclusion my group and I worked very well together, and we had a good afternoon making delicious Mini Pastry Savouries!

Friday, June 12, 2020

Empathy - Health

This week in Health, one of the tasks I did was to research what empathy means and why is it important to be a empathetic person.

What does Empathy mean?

Empathy is the ability to recognise and respond to others feelings appropriately. These skills help us with social problem-solving, managing our own and other people’s emotions and avoiding conflict. 

When was a time where I or my friends show empathy?

I showed empathy when one of my close friends was going through a hard time, and I had to give her some personal space and understand her emotions and what she’s going through. 

Why is it important to be an empathetic person?

Empathy is important because it helps us understand how others are feeling so we can respond appropriately to the situation.

Empathy also helps us to communicate our ideas in a way that makes sense to others, and it helps us 


Pikelets - Home Economics

Welcome to another Blog-Post. This week in Home Economics we made Pikelets. 
I personally think that this week was very easy, this week was also the first time we used the pan. The instruction on the recipe were very easy to follow and understand. Our outcome Pikelets were very good.  I reckon my group and I worked very well together this week. 

  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 t Baking Powder
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/4 c Sugar
  • 3/4 c Milk
  1. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
  2. In another bowl beat the egg and sugar with a whisk until pale and thick.
  3. Add the egg mixture and the milk to the dry ingredients and mix until just combined.
  4. Gently heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add or brush with a little melted butter. Drop tablespoonfuls of the mixture from the point of the spoon onto the surface.
  5. When bubbles start to burst on the top of the pikelets, turn them over and cook the second side until golden. 
  6. Place on cooling rack
  7. Serve with a sweet or savoury topping. 
One of the main tips we had to get right was to beat the egg and sugar until white, place and thick. It took a very long time to beat the egg and sugar and it was very tiring, but we each took a turn, we had to successfully complete that before adding milk. 

Sensory evaluation:
The pikeletes came out very good, they tasted very nice, the texture was soft and fluffy. 


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Parihaka -Day of Plunder - Chaos

Serial Dilution

Welcome to another Blog-post, On Monday in Science we were learning about concentrated and dilute. 
We also did an experiment to investigate more about concentration and dilution. For this experiment we needed a solvent and a solute. 
The solvent that we used was Water and the solute was Potassium permanganate. 
A solvent is the substance in which the solute dissolves. Solute is the substance being dissolved. 

  • Aim: To make a dilution series to investigate concentration. 
  • Equipment: A potassium permanganate crystal, six large test tubes, tweezers, a plastic transfer pipette, a test tube rack, 10mL measuring cylinder.
  1. Place the six test tubes in a test tube rack. Label the rack with numbers 1-6
  2. Using the measuring cylinder, fill the test tube 1 with 10 ml of water. Fill the remaining test tubes with 5 ml of water. 
  3. Using your tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1 
  4. Gently shake the test tube until the crystal has dissolved
  5. Using the transfer pipette, carefully remove exactly 5 ml from test tube 1 and pour it into test tube 2
  6. Rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remains.
  7. Gently shake test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transferring exactly 5 ml of solution from test tube 2 to test tube 3.
  8. Rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tubes 4,5 and 6
As you can see in the photo the colour purple get lighter and lighter as it goes past each test tube. That is because the last few test tubes had more water which means that there was least amount of potassium permangante.  

The test tube that is light purple has least potassium permanganate, most water, which means 
most dilute =least concentrated

Therefore the dark purple test tube has most amount of potassium permangante, least amount of water which means 
most concentrated = least dilute. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

9/11 - Chaos

Welcome to another blog-post, this blog-post is about 9/11.
Have you ever heard of 9/11? What is 9/11?

Friday, June 5, 2020

Home Economics Chocolate Chip Cookies

Welcome to another blog-post, Today in Home Economics we made Chocolate Chip Cookies.

  • 100g butter
  • 1/2 cup Chelsea White Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Chelsea Soft Brown Sugar
  • 1 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Soften butter, and add both sugars and cream these together. Beat in the eggs ans vanilla then mix in the dry ingredients. Roll into medium sized balls, making sure the mixture is not too wet! Put on a well greased baking tray. They shouldn't spread too much so flatten slightly. Bake at 180 for 8-10 minutes. 

Tip: You can easily half this recipe. Or roll half into a log, wrap in cling film and freeze. Cut into 15 pieces while still frozen and bake. 

I personally think that our group and I worked very well, except for when we forgot to preheat our oven but we managed to solve that wee problem and transferred our cookies into another oven. 
Vanilla essence added flavour
Variations of the cookies have occur due to the rolling of the cookies. 

These are images of our cookies that we made.