
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Testing Food - Biology Science

Testing Foods:
Aim: What nutrients are present in different foods.

We are testing for
Simple Sugar - which is carbohydrates that gives you sugar/energy fast.
Complex Sugar - Slow releasing energy/sugar.
Protein - Long Lasting Energy and sugar.

We are Testing:
Bread - I think this will be protein, (complex)
Egg - I think this will be protein
Glucose - I think this will be a complex sugar
Apple - I think this will be complex sugar
Milk - I think this will be protein
Potato - I think this will be complex sugar

Complex Test:
Equipment: Test tube, food sample, iodine solution

1: Place about 2mL of the sample in a test tube
2: Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix

Results + Observations:
Potato - Positive
Apple - Positive
Bread - Positive
Egg - Negative
Milk - Negative
Glucose - negative


Simple Test:
Equipment: test tube, food sample, benedicts solution


1. Place about 2mL of the of the sample in a test tube.

2. Add 3-5 drops of benedicts and mix.

Results + Observations:
Potato - Negative
Apple - Negative
bread - Negative
Egg - Negative
Milk - Positive
Glucose - Positive


Proteins are essential in the diet of all organisms. They form the main 
structural part of animal cells, therefore foods high in protein usually 
originate from animal tissue (i.e meat, eggs and protein products).
Some plant based foods are also high in protein, especially seed. 

Protein is required for:

  • to repair damaged tissue
  • control of chemical reactions (enzymes)
  • sending messages around the body (hormones)
  • providing an emergency energy source. 

Protein Test:
Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.
Equipment: Test tube, sodium hydroxide,  copper sulfate, food sample. 
Potato - I think it wont turn purple (no protein)
Apple - I think it will turn purple (contain protein)
bread - I think it will turn purple (contain purple)
Glucose - I think it wont turn purple (no protein)
Milk - I think it will turn purple (contain purple)
Egg - I think it won't turn purple (no protein)

 1: Place about 2mL of the sample into a test 
tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.

2: Add 5 drops of copper sulfate

3: Shake the test tube gently from side to side.

If the solution remains blue, then no protein is present. If the solution changes to a purple colour then protein is present in
the sample.  

potato - Negative (no protein)
Apple - Negative (no protein)
Bread - Negative (no protein)
Glucose - Negative (no protein)
Egg - Positive (contains protein)
Milk - Positive (contains protein)


Milk is a rich source of protein because it comes from an animal,
Drinking milk and dairy products may prevent bone fractures and even 
help you maintain a healthy weight.

Egg is a source of protein, because it is produced from an animal
Eggs are also a good source of other nutrients, which also helps your health.


My predictions for food samples that contained proteins were correct,
such as eggs and proteins, This test went very well and some of the results
we got were quite surprising such as bread I predicted that it will turn purple
which means that it does contain protein, but my predictions were incorrect.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Stick-man Hygiene

Below is a diagram of a stick-man representing us, and personal safety
rules an reasons why we have these rules when we are in the kitchen doing
a practical or cooking. 
Good personal hygiene can prevent food poising. 
Bacteria that cause food poising can be on everyone, even healthy people.
You can spread bacteria from yourself to the food if you touch your nose,
mouth, hair or your clothes, and then food.
By preventing this happening,
- Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before handling food, and wash 
and dry them again frequently during work.
- Dry your hands with a clean towel, disposable paper towel or under
an air dryer
- never smoke, chew gum, spit or cough over food.
- wear clean protective clothing, such as an apron.
- tie back or cover long hair
keep fingernails short so they are easy to clean, and don't wear 
nail polish because it can chip into food 
- avoid wearing jewellery.
-Completely cover all cuts and wounds with a wound strip or bandage.
-Tell the teacher if you don't feel well, and don't handle food.

Hand washing:
Thoroughly washing your hands reduces the chance of contaminating food
with bacteria from yourself.
Wash your hands with soap and warm water, and don't forget the back of your
hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
Thoroughly dry your hands immediately after you wash them. Always dry 
your hands with a clean towel, disposable paper, the important thing is to make
sure your hands are dry. 

Poor personal hygiene can cause serious problem in the kitchen, food poisoning 
being the most serious. 

Hauora - Wellbeing

A conclusion on what the "Whare Tapa Wha" is, Image result for hauora

Learning Reflection:

and how it illustrates Hauora?

Te Whare Tapa Wha is a maori marae or a house. 
Te Whare Tapa Wha compares health to the four walls of a house where all
four walls are necessary to ensure strength.
The four aspects of Hauora are Taha Tinana (Physical), Taha Wairua (Spiritual,
Taha Hinegaro (Mental & Emotional), and Taha Whanau (Social).

Taha Whanau:
"The capacity to belong, to care, and to share"
Taha Whanau (social wellbeing) refers to the connections people have with others,
including their family, friends and wider social circles. 

Taha Tinana:
"The capacity of physical growth and development"
Taha Tinana (physical wellbeing) refers to the growth and development of the body 
and ways of caring it. 

Taha Hinegaro:
"The capacity to communicate, to think, and to feel"
Taha hinegaro (mental and emotional wellbeing) refers to the feelings and thoughts 
people have and how they are connected to behaviour.

Taha Wairua:
"The values values and beliefs that determine how people live"
Taha wairua (spiritual wellbeing) refers to the value and beliefs people 

How Did I participate during this lesson?
I participated in this lesson by completing set task, and participating in 
class activites, and also contributing to class conversations such as answering questions and being able to explain to peers what I learnt..

What is the current state of your Hauora?
I feel like there's nothing I need to improve on, also all four aspects of my 
are all good and healthy.

Link to Google Docs Work

Link to Matching Cards

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wonder Film Study

Wonder Film Notes : Inside & Out Hurumanu 8

Intro - Close-up, spaceman jumps into the shot, 
          slow-motion shot give us a feeling we are in space. 
       -  intro symbol o the astronaut helmet, covers his face, represents
          the barrier august  (main character) puts between himself & the world. 
      -  Intro music - dreamy, dreadful, Soft, gets energetic and upbeat towards
         end of intro and can hear people talking through radio and intro music
        can draw our attention, tempo and dynamics increases to build energy 
        in the scene. 
     - Next is a tracking shot as we move away from the figure. It is now
       a boy in a helmet jumping on the bed. 
    -  Close-Up shows us Auggies "reality" or view-of the world but as we pull
       back we see the real world. 
     - Then we get our first voice over and first narrator which is Auggie, 
        he is introducing us and why he wears his helmet and how he isn't a                 ordinary kid,
    -  Then there is a point of view shot (auggie), nearly two minutes into the 
       movie and still hasn't showed his face, curiosity, and leading to asking               questions. (building suspense as we still haven't seen the boys face)
       we don't know what's wrong but hints it's bad - hospital scene, helmet,
       tags, school conversation, auggie's dialogue in the voice over. 
    - Dad/Nate= "It's like leading a lamb to the slaughter" 
   -  Auggie is something out of this world, Auggie feels not so happy and 
      excited about starting school, and it's going to be his first time attending 
   -  Zoom in shot when auggie turns around to see the other students.
  -   Close-up shot on students which describes facial expression and emotions
      of characters.
 -   Over the shoulder shot - student showing auggie class
  -  Julian doesn't seem nice at all, noticed his body language and how he               walked, and how he's not wanting to interact and ask Auggie questions,
     also how he speaks to the Auggie and other students. 
  -  High angle shot opening next scene into the Science lab and Julian 
     starting to blabbering how science is hard.
   - Body Language - Auggie makes himself small and low when the students 
     were arguing, then starts to walk towards them and shoulders back and
     starts to talk. 
 -  Significant moment= Auggie walking into school on his first day
  -  Via (sister) body language is feeling small and left out
 -   Close Up - and eye level shot when Dad and Auggie are talking before
     he enters school, and over the shoulder (dad's shoulder) when auggie 
     is talking to dad. 
-   Point of View - Auggie- looking down while walking into school
 -  Not a lot of music but sound such as chalk on the board and footsteps                (walking)
 -  Auggie's  body language when he has to stand up to introduce himself.
 -  Next symbol that is going to be in throughout the film is Star Wars
    because Auggie is really into Star Wars. - Also because it's space - related, 
    and in Star Wars everyone is different. - a symbol of Auggie wanting people
    to treat him normally - a safe place in the Star Wars universe there are lots
    of weir looking people so no one started at them 
  -  References to characters- Auggie's Star Wars favorite characters. - Boba feit
 -  Seen - Auggie Introduction, Panda-won braid,
-    Structure of the film lead to narrators
-  Quote Summer - "When the give the choice between being right and
    being kind, Choose Kind" 
 -  Long  Distance shot showing mum and what she's doing
 -  High angle shot, showing us that Auggie feels sad and lonely
   - Then Bird's Eye shot showing us a high view of classroom and how 
     no one wants to sit beside Auggie
   - Tracking shot of Auggie in his own world, then in real word
   - Significant: We see auggie lose faith in the idea of friendship -If Jack can 
     be that mean behind his back how can he trust others. Links to the Theme-
     Popularity and acceptance we see this through jack as he says what he 
     knows Julien wants to hear so he doesn't want to become the person
     that gets picked on. 
Jacks Fight Scene :1.06
 - Starts a eye level - mid/medium shot makes us feel a part of the convo!
  - Sounds are diagetic
  -  low angle shot as boys hit ground, this makes the fight seem 
      more dangerous.
  -  moves to a close up of the struggle.
  -  Dutch tilt and low angle makes Jack look more powerful & aggressive.
  -  Music - minor (sad), quiet dynamic - creates focus intense,
      short tempo.
  -  Shot in slow-mo so we see the event more clearly.
  -  In this case Jack made a better decision, such as standing up for Auggie
     and not listening to Julien, even though it got him suspended and nearly lost
     his scholarship, this scene also links in well with the quote Summer read out
     "When being given the choice between being right and being kind,
       Choose Kind". (Jack has also learnt from his mistake) 
   -  Shows the theme of popularity/acceptance.
  *The Nature Reserve Fight Scene* :1.29 - 1.32
     -  During Fight shots used to make Auggie and friends bigger more 
        powerful and the bullies weak and vulnerable. 
    -  Music has fast tempo to build intensity.
    Significant - Auggie has grown as a character, he is now wiling to stand
     up for himself.
 -  Friendship - Auggie finally feels accepted when the other boys - 
     doesn't have to hide behind a mask anymore.


1st Narrator: Auggie
2nd Narrator:Via
3rd Narrator:Jack
4th Narrator:Miranda
Last Narrator: Auggie

Friday, February 14, 2020

Sustainability -Textiles

Sustainability is keeping what we have for future generations.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Setting - Time and place where the story or film took place
Characters: People in the story or actors
Plot: What happens in the story
Themes: It is like a message behind the film or story that's trying to tell us
Symbols: Objects that have a special meaning.

The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

England during Second World War (the 1940s) -Narnia
Narnia is the main setting - and Narnia is in the hand of an evil witch

There are two groups of characters in the lion, the witch and the Wardrobe
In films there are always good people and bad people more like a problem and a solution

Camera Techniques

Films are visual techniques. They employ a combination 
of camera techniques. Below is my Visual Dictionary Google Slide showing 
each camera angles used in films and videos and what they are and how
they are used!
What am I learning?
I learning to understand different camera techniques used in films.
How does this work show my learning?
Shows that I have researched about it and I understand
What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I'm wondering if all of these camera angles were used in the film

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Visual & Sound Techniques

Language of Film Dictionary:

Body Language: Body language is when people communicate how they are feeling
through facial expressions or movements of their body.
These movements can give a signal of how we or they are feeling.

Costume: To represent a personality of a character

Hairstyle: A hairstyle refers to styling of hair.

Make-Up: Make-Up is used on faces in order to make expressions visible to the
audience from moderate distances

Colour: Colour is used to set the tone in a scene. Red is used to represent
power and anger, Pink signifies innocence and beauty, yellow represents joy,
Blue symbolizes passivity and calmness. 

Lightning: It is also used to set a mood for the scene, it is also used to make
something/object stand out.

Props: It is used as items to help enhance or make the scene more realistic.

Setting: It is the time and place, or where the film was taken or its surroundings. 

Dialogue: Used to plot or reveal something new about a character.

Sound Effects: A sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make  a specific
storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music. 

Music: Also used to set a mood or tell what’s happening.

Silence: Silence has a role in developing the emotional tone of a film, or can get
the audience guessing what’s happening next.

Symbols: Symbols are things that pop up a few times throughout a film that
represents something else entirely and help describe an idea. 

Special FX: Special FX are illusions or visual tricks used in the theater, or film,
television, to simulate the imaginations of events in a story or virtual world. 

What am I learning?
I am learning about the languages of film and how it is used in a film,
and its importance in a film.

How does this work show my learning?
This show that I have researched about the film languages and I have
typed the definitions and I understand what they mean.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I’m wondering how these really can make a good film and if there is more.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Self Directed Learning

My goal is to talk to the teacher when I'm not in a good mood, so that
the teacher understands and I don't get into trouble.

My second goal is for me to be able to self manage my learning, such as
when I'm in class, I need to make sure by the end of class and the week I
have two blog post about English published, 1 blog post published for Science
and worksheet completed.

My third goal is when I'm absent or away and I missed a class, it is my 
responsibility to catch up on my learning an what I've missed out on.