
Thursday, June 20, 2019

C.I.P Fitness Plan


Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and make your heart and blood
vessels healthier.
These include:
  • Walking
  • Dancing
  • Swimming
  • Water Aerobics
  • Jogging and running
  • Aerobic exercise classes
  • Bicycle riding
  • Some gardening activities, such as ranking and pushing a lawn mower
  • Tennis
  • Golfing (With or without a cart)

Flexibility-enhancing activities ensure a good range of motion in the joints.
Loss of flexibility can be a predisposing factor for physical issues, such as pain
syndromes or balance disorders. Gender, age, and genetics may all influence range
of motion. Flexibility exercises include:
  • Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Pilates

Muscle-strengthening activities build up your strength.
These activities work all the different parts of the body - legs, hips, back, chest,
stomach, shoulders, and arms - and include:
  • Heavy gardening (digging and shovelling)
  • Lifting weights
  • Push-ups on the floor or against the wall
  • Sit-ups
  • Working with resistance bands (long,wide rubber strips that stretch)
  • Pilates

10 Push ups
10 Squats
20 Star jumps / jumping jacks

20 Burpees
15 Squats
5 minute jog (around the field)
5 minute run

10 Push-ups  
15 Sit ups
20 seconds Phantom chair ( against wall )
5 minute run

60 Metre run
10 Hip lifts
20 Start jumps / Jumping jacks
5 minute run

15 Sit ups
5 Hip lifts
15 Squats
40 seconds Phantom chair (on wall)

20 Burpees
15 Star jumps / Jumping jacks
20 seconds Phantom chair (on wall)
5 minute run

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Reading DLO - The bone tiki

Retell an interesting part of the text in your own words.
Puarata is a Godfather like character who has lost mana with his tribe and family and is not wanted at the
tangi. He claims to have carved the bone tiki, allegedly from human bone, and wants it back.
Mat instinctively dislikes Puarata, and at the tangi takes the bone tiki off Wai-aroha’s neck as she lies in
state on the Marae. As soon as he touches the tiki he feels it’s power. He then flees the tangi with Puarata
and his henchmen in pursuit with the intention of going to his mother’s place in Taupo.

This is my favourite text part in the book because it shows how Mat has pride in what’s his or what his
mother left, and my favourite sentence is “As soon as he touches the tiki he feel its power” that tells us
that the tiki actually belongs to him.

Digital Technology 18/06/19

My issue: Plastic (litter) pollution
  • Game:
  • Who: As for game it is going to be aimed at Intermediate and High school students. 
  • What: I want to inform audience how many rubbish there is
  • How: By adding rubbish to the game, and everytime you collect rubbish you earn coins or points, it could also be a challenge where you verse other students by who has the most points. 
  • App:
  • Who: As for the app, It's going to be for children like us and adults
  • What: i want to inform people the main reason why pollution was caused, and what we could do to solve this issue
  • How: By adding videos and images of litter (rubbish) covering our ocean and earth. 

Meal Challenge Blog Post - C.I.P

For C.I.P we were given a challenge, and our challenge was to get into groups of six people and we have to come up with a healthy meal that will be able to feed six people, each person in our group contributed $2 towards our group to help buy the ingredients that we need to make our delicious healthy meal. Below is a google slide that my classmates and I put together! 

I really enjoyed working with students from Mt and Ds to complete this challenge, every member in our group was so enthusiastic towards this challenge. My favourite part of this challenge was making our meal which was Healthy Fruit Smoothies! In our smoothies we added a lot of fruits such a Kiwifruits, bananas, grapes, also we had yoghurt with mixed berries and some milk. 
One of the hard parts of this challenge was calculating the prices and also making sure that the prices of our ingredients will not be over $12 which was our budget. 

Monday, June 17, 2019

Hurumanu P.E Blogging.

Last week for Hurumanu P.E we participated in the Beep Test, it was one of the challenging fitness tests I've done. After the beep test we had a game of bench ball, we had two games playing at the same time while one team supports teams playing. In our game Bench Ball we were needed to play in our groups and we really needed teamwork!

What makes a good team player? Skills and attributes do you need?

  • To become a good team player we need to cooperate with each other to make a good team.
  • All member must contribute to their team in some way.
  • Communication Skills. To become a good team player we need to communicate with our team members especially when we are playing a game. 
  • To become a good team player you will always need to stay focus and on task, and always be a helping hand to your team. 
What is your role within your team?
My role within my team is Coach for Attack. I have the responsibility to teach team members (those who are scoring) skills, such as, passing the ball, strong passes, running skills, warm ups and overall being fit. 

How could you be a better team player?
To be a better team player we need to listen to each others ideas and opinions which will help the team become better
Making sure that you are doing the same thing as your team, but not off-task
Always being active and ready, and keen on what our team's doing, and completing tasks, activities by my personal best.

Friday, June 14, 2019

DMIC Maths Blog Post

For DIMC Maths this week we have been given a new challenging and interesting maths problem to solve within our DMIC Maths groups.

Word Problem:
There was MrMorrison and Rose, they both were given a bottle of medicine.
MrMorrison’s bottle was 300ml and he has to take 10ml every 3 hours.

Rose has a smaller bottles its 90ml Ne she has to take 5ml every 6 hours. They have
to take the medicine between the hours of 7am and 7pm.
Who will use up their medicine first?

Working outs:
MrMorrison can take 4 doses of medicine
Rose can take 10ml a day and have it 2 times within 7am and 7pm.
It will take MrMorrison 7 days and 6 hours to finish his medicine

To help solve this Problem we also used a graph, by using this graph we worked out that out of MrMorrison or Rose will use up their medicine first. Another good reason why we used a graph is that we can compare out of MrMorrison and Rose.

In our groups we used a lot of teamwork and some days this week some of our members in our groups were absent so we shared our learning with other group and compared our finding outs which helped us understand more about the problem and also helped us get the answer.

Our focus in our group this week was to make sure that everyone contributes to our group by either help by sharing their ideas and contributions or by writing down our finding outs and I think we did a great job

Below are some photos of our work and also a photo of our graph.

Individual Learning Log for Digital Technology

Analysis/ Summary thoughts of video:
Social: Social media can be a great source for communicating 
With others, But it can have negative effects, such as No privacy 
and people can stalk your account on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
and other social media.

Environmental Issues:
Our environment have a lot of issues normally caused by us, such as 
Plastic bags pollution and this could affect our marine life animals
And can affect our ocean.

Ethical Issues: 
One of a ethical Issues could be that it is not ok to smoke in the house 
especially when the kids are around, as it can affect their health.

My Brainstorm for an Issue I am interested in:

If you are pregnant and you are carrying a baby who has down-
Syndrome, even though they may look different but it's not ok
to get rid of the baby. 

One of the biggest environmental issues are Climate Change, Global 
Warming, and Pollution. What we do to fix this issue is to drive less or 
Switch to a lower-emission vehicle. 

For social Issues I'm Interested in Cyberbully because if you are getting
bullied online that is horrible and we all don't deserve to be bullied
On social Media.