
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Something Smells Fishy! Week 2 Day 1 Activity 3

Something Smells Fishy!

  • Fish Fact #1The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish."TRUE"
  • Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. "TRUE"
  • Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish. "FALSE"
  • Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc) "TRUE"
  • Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’ "FALSE"

The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge! Week 2 Day 1 Activity 2

The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge!

If it was me, I would choose my Sister Rarotonga because she's very energetic and always willing to put her mind into anything and also have fun! I will also choose my brother because he perseveres and believes that we can always do finish things with a BANG! Also I would choose my volleyball coach because he's very encouraging and he's very supportive in any way. 

Surfs up! Week 2 Day 1 Activity 1

Oreti Beach Invercargill!

One of my favourite Summer activity to do is, to go for long walks on the beach and go fishing also going for a swim at the beach. Here is a photo of my family and I at Oreti Beach Invercargill! Oreti Beach is located in Invercargill and it is also my all time favourite beach because I made awesome memories there with my family during holidays and also Oreti Beach is a runaway or hideaway place for me. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Going, going... Gone! Week 1, Day 5, Activity 3

Living in NZ 2018
Get a career and a life: New Zealand has a world-class recipe for better living.

Money & Tax In NZ 2018
Using a card is the most common way to pay in NZ, this year 2018 the majority of people would use paywave you would just scan your card and go rather than typing in your passcode. Contactless and mobile payments are becoming more popular too. In fact, New Zealand has the least cash circulating per person than any other OECD country.
Wages and salaries are usually paid into a bank account. If you have a job to come to, it is a good idea to open an account before you get to NZ. You can transfer money into that account, but your cannot use it until you have verified your identity. Check how easy that will be when you use a bank.

Housing in NZ 2018
Having a place to call home is a big part of feeling settled in a new country, and it can take time to find the one that’s right for you and your family.

Even if you plan to buy a house eventually, it is best to start of by renting. That way you can take time seeing what is available and where you would like to live before you make a commitment. Housing in New Zealand is as varied as our people. Whether you are looking for an outdoor lifestyle, a place in the heart of the city or a family home with room for the kids to run around in, you will find it in NZ. Your options include: suburban homes, rural living and lifestyle blocks, apartments, flat and townhouses.

Education and Schooling in NZ 2018
Fortunately, you can feel confident about New Zealand’s education system.
Education and Schooling in New Zealand wont make you worry too much? (unless for the bills) NZ provides great education as well as getting connected with everyone and learning together in a safer environment.

How was It for me when I first moved to NZ? (my version)
In 2009 my family and I, we moved to NZ because we knew that NZ was a country that will provide good education and good healthcare. Our first couple of days here in NZ my parents had trouble trying to get used to everything especially when we just moved from Samoa: a country with different lifestyles. It took me a while to get used to NZ’s lifestyle not also that but school was very hard, because I was struggling lot with my English because English is not my first language. Therefore people in the community also my teachers at school were very caring and helpful. NZ is a safe and healthy country to live in.