
Monday, April 29, 2019

Home Chemistry - Aerodynamics

Aim: To learn about flight and aerodynamics.
Definition of Aerodynamics:
Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things.
The rule of Aerodynamics explains how an airplane is able to fly.
Anything that moves through air reacts to Aerodynamics.
A rocket blasting off the launch pad and a kite in the sky reacts to aerodynamics.

4 forces of flight:
The four forces are lift, thrust, drag, and Weight (gravity).
  • Weight is the force of gravity. It acts in a downward direction -
  • towards the center of the Earth
  • Lift is the force that acts at a right angle to the direction of motion through the air.
  • Thrust is the force that propels a flying machine in the direction of motion.
  • Engines produces thrust.
  • Drag is the force that acts opposite to the direction of motion.
Paper Plane:


1. Paper
2. Scissors

1. Take your paper and fold it in half
2. Then make a house shape and fold the two ends onto the line
3. And fold it like a normal plane and your done


Plane Type:


Plane type
3.9It went straight
1mCurved to the left
Paper clip
For this experiment I learnt what Aerodynamics means, and I also learnt what the 4 forces are.
We also found out that the normal paper plane flew 3.9m straight.
The Ailerons Paper Plane flew 1 m straight but then it curved to the left.
Also when using the paper clip it flew 5 m Straight that it even hit the door!
Here are some information about the 4 forces that I have learnt about today.
The four forces are lift, thrust, drag and Weight (Gravity).
Thrust directs the plane to where it is heading, for example the plane is to
turn right or left then the thrust will direct it to the directed ways.
Weight is the force of Gravity. It acts in a downwards direction. For example if you pass
the ball to someone and it goes upwards then It will come back down, that is Gravity.
Lift is the force that acts at a right angle to the direction of motion through the air.
For example Lift helps the plane stay in the air.
Drag is the force that acts opposite to the direction of motion
I've enjoyed doing this experiment it has taught new interesting things that I've never knew before about. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

Skittles Experiment

Skittles Experiment


Aim: To combine and see the change of colours

by using the process of  chromatography.



  1. Skittles

  2. Petrie  Dish

  3. Cold Water



Step 1:  Place 6 different coloured skittles a Petrie  Dish


Step 2:  Add/Fill the Petrie Dish with Cold Water

Step 3:  Watch how the colours of the skittles combine

together and form colours using the process of Chromatography.

Step 4: Then we can eat the skittles!

Conclusion: What have I learnt from this experiment?

How Chromatography can take colours out of things, such as skittles or a piece of material.
For example If there is blood on a piece of material, and your can remove it by using
Chromatography by using a liquid which is Water.


Rainbow Paper Experiment - Home Chemistry

Rainbow Paper


Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.




  1. Chromatography Filter Paper

  2. Plastic cup

  3. Water based felt paper

  4. Ruler

  5. Pencil for marking



Step 1:  Firstly we selected a group containing 3 member suitable for this experiment. We then had to get a Chromatography Filter Paper, Ruler, Water based felt pen and a Pencil

Step 2:  Secondly, On the Chromatography Filter paper we had to rule a line  from the bottom of the paper 1cm going up.

Step 3:  After that we had to put 2 dots on the pencil marking, my group and I we used Green

and Purple coloured Water Based Felt Paper.

Step 4: Then we had to get a clear plastic cup and place the piece of Chromatography Filter Paper, with the paper the side that has the markings and dots has to face downwards or into the bottom of the plastic cup, but the rest of the paper hanging out of the Plastic Cup you can gently fold that on the outside of the Plastic Cup.

Step 5: After that we have to give or show one of the teachers our Plastic cups with our Chromatography paper and then the teacher will pour a small amount of water into your Plastic Cup.

Step 6: Finally, after the water is inside the Plastic Cup, then you will see a change of colours showing up on the Chromatography Filter Paper, On our paper we noticed that we’ve made two different colours which were Pink and Blue, also we noticed that the colours have travelled.

Conclusion: What have I learnt from this experiment?

Today I learnt that colours can travel across paper at different speeds. I also learnt what Forensics is, Forensics is a way of solving criminal cases, such as Fingerprints, and Footprint, DNA, Appearance, and Forgery. Our group and I we had to redo our experiment because one our first attempt I accidentally messed with the Chromatography Filter Paper which made a change to the results that we were expecting. On our second attempt our experiment turned out well, because we knew what we could do better and we fixed it.

This is a photo of our experiment on our first attempt.

This is our second attempt at our experiment. `

100 Word Challenge

....But it is the wrong colour ...

The piece of paper said “pick the right color door and you’re free, pick the wrong one and you will either face new challenges, or you will die…”  Naturally, I was terrified. I didn’t want to die! What if I picked the wrong door? Will anyone ever see me again? I walk up to the three doors, pink, blue or yellow? I walked up to the pink door and pressed my ear up to it, hoping I would hear something. Nothing. I gave up and walked over to the blue door and opened it… but it was the wrong color...

Friday, April 5, 2019

Drama Activities - Freeze Frame

Drama Activities - Freeze frame

Our aspect of Hauora was:

  • Today we focused on four well-being aspects of Hauora, We got selected into teams including four or five members. We had a team of four and we had to come up with a freeze frame  representing Spiritual Well-being. Our team found it difficult at the begining because some of us weren't religious.
What we did in our freeze frame was?

  • Our team and I we decided to make a freeze frame representing our religious and also us praying. One of our team members had to stand in the middle and freeze like he's preaching in church. While two others of us and myself we had to kneel down and freeze like we are praying and listening. 
Captions: Our caption were?

  • Together we said "We go to church for our spiritual Well-being".
  • After that one by one we had to stay what church we attend
  • I said "I go to a Mormon Church"

Found a Drama game I would like to play?
  • I've had a look at the linked that was attached and I liked the game called There is only one Liar
  • Link to Instruction for Drama game:
Include the 4 aspects of Hauora:

Taha Wairua (spiritual Well-being)
  1. Personal Belief Structure
  2. Purpose in life
  3. Goal setting
  4. Being true to yourself
  5. Values
  6. Cultural Values
  7. Mixing with others
Taha tinana (physical Well-being)
  1. Health benefits
  2. Strength
  3. Weight management
  4. Flexibility
  5. Work rate
  6. Feeling fresh and healthy
  7. Team strategies
  8. Expression

Taha whanau (Social Well-being):
  1. Friendships
  2. Social interactions
  3. Helping others
  4. Being included
  5. Compassion caring
  6. Spending time with family
Taha hinengaro (mental and emotional health):
  1. Including others
  2. Sense of acievement
  3. Communication thoughts and feelings 
  4. relationships
  5. Problem Solving
  6. Decision making
Here is a photo of our group demonstrating Spiritual Well-being.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Home Chemistry 1st April 2019

Aim: To learn the names of 10 household chemicals and identify if they are a solid, liquid or a gas.


1. Soap
2. Lemon juice
3. Salt
4. Vinegar
5. Sugar
6. Milk
7. Onion
8. Lemonade
9. Bleach
10. Baking Soda


  1. Add the name of the ingredient into the chart
  2. Search for an image of the ingredient
  3. download and paste in into the chart
  4. Search for the chemical used in the ingredient 
  5. Find out if the ingredient is a Solid, Liquid or Gas

Task 1: Put the 10 chemicals in a chart with the titles - Name, Chemical ingredient(s), Image, Solid/Liquid/Gas.

Lemon Juice
Citric Acid
Sodium Chloride
Table sugar
Acetic acid
Onion Gas
Sulfur gas
Sodium hypochlorite
Baking Soda
Sodium hydrogen carbonate


For today's task I've learnt what a liquid, gas and solid is, and I've also learnt new chemicals that I've never heard of before and how they take part in different ingredients that I used daily. 

Find out what the difference is in the molecules in solids, liquids and gas.

The atoms and molecules in gases are much more spread out than in solids or liquids. They vibrate and move freely at high speeds. A gas will fill any container, but if the container is not sealed, they gas will escape. Gas can be compressed much more easily than a liquid or a solid

Gasesliquids and solids are all made up of atoms, molecules, and/or ions, but the behaviors of these particles differ in the three phases. ... gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. liquid are close together with no regular arrangement. solidare tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.

Image result for states of matter