Our aspect of Hauora was:
- Today we focused on four well-being aspects of Hauora, We got selected into teams including four or five members. We had a team of four and we had to come up with a freeze frame representing Spiritual Well-being. Our team found it difficult at the begining because some of us weren't religious.
- Our team and I we decided to make a freeze frame representing our religious and also us praying. One of our team members had to stand in the middle and freeze like he's preaching in church. While two others of us and myself we had to kneel down and freeze like we are praying and listening.
- Together we said "We go to church for our spiritual Well-being".
- After that one by one we had to stay what church we attend
- I said "I go to a Mormon Church"
- I've had a look at the linked that was attached and I liked the game called There is only one Liar
- Link to Instruction for Drama game: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AZ_czWsG0gbTLBnfVNGnn553AA4L5dZm3UNhGGyeafI/edit?usp=sharing
Taha Wairua (spiritual Well-being)
- Personal Belief Structure
- Purpose in life
- Goal setting
- Being true to yourself
- Values
- Cultural Values
- Mixing with others
- Health benefits
- Strength
- Weight management
- Flexibility
- Work rate
- Feeling fresh and healthy
- Team strategies
- Expression
Taha whanau (Social Well-being):
- Friendships
- Social interactions
- Helping others
- Being included
- Compassion caring
- Spending time with family
- Including others
- Sense of acievement
- Communication thoughts and feelings
- relationships
- Problem Solving
- Decision making
Excellent work Sierra; a very well organised post with headings, bullet points, lists and a picture. You have explained a lot about aspects of health too, well done.