Aim: What nutrients are present in different foods.
We are testing for
Simple Sugar - which is carbohydrates that gives you sugar/energy fast.
Complex Sugar - Slow releasing energy/sugar.
Protein - Long Lasting Energy and sugar.
We are Testing:
Bread - I think this will be protein, (complex)
Egg - I think this will be protein
Glucose - I think this will be a complex sugar
Apple - I think this will be complex sugar
Milk - I think this will be protein
Potato - I think this will be complex sugar
Complex Test:
Equipment: Test tube, food sample, iodine solution
1: Place about 2mL of the sample in a test tube
2: Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix
Results + Observations:
Potato - Positive
Apple - Positive
Bread - Positive
Egg - Negative
Milk - Negative
Glucose - negative
Simple Test:
Equipment: test tube, food sample, benedicts solution
1. Place about 2mL of the of the sample in a test tube.
2. Add 3-5 drops of benedicts and mix.
Results + Observations:
Potato - Negative
Apple - Negative
bread - Negative
Egg - Negative
Milk - Positive
Glucose - Positive
Proteins are essential in the diet of all organisms. They form the main
structural part of animal cells, therefore foods high in protein usually
originate from animal tissue (i.e meat, eggs and protein products).
Some plant based foods are also high in protein, especially seed.
Protein is required for:
- to repair damaged tissue
- control of chemical reactions (enzymes)
- sending messages around the body (hormones)
- providing an emergency energy source.
Protein Test:
Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.
Equipment: Test tube, sodium hydroxide, copper sulfate, food sample.
Potato - I think it wont turn purple (no protein)
Apple - I think it will turn purple (contain protein)
bread - I think it will turn purple (contain purple)
Glucose - I think it wont turn purple (no protein)
Milk - I think it will turn purple (contain purple)
Egg - I think it won't turn purple (no protein)
1: Place about 2mL of the sample into a test
tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.
2: Add 5 drops of copper sulfate
3: Shake the test tube gently from side to side.
If the solution remains blue, then no protein is present. If the solution changes to a purple colour then protein is present in
the sample.
potato - Negative (no protein)
Apple - Negative (no protein)
Bread - Negative (no protein)
Glucose - Negative (no protein)
Egg - Positive (contains protein)
Milk - Positive (contains protein)
Milk is a rich source of protein because it comes from an animal,
Drinking milk and dairy products may prevent bone fractures and even
help you maintain a healthy weight.
Egg is a source of protein, because it is produced from an animal
Eggs are also a good source of other nutrients, which also helps your health.
My predictions for food samples that contained proteins were correct,
such as eggs and proteins, This test went very well and some of the results
we got were quite surprising such as bread I predicted that it will turn purple
which means that it does contain protein, but my predictions were incorrect.